Lamons Resource Library

MY ROLE: UI/UX Designer, Quality Assurance

This started with a simple ask from the client, to house PDFs on their website. Seeing that PDFs alone were not ideal for a mobile first experience, nor were they valuable from an SEO perspective, I took the initiative to partner with a content strategist and developer to build out a robust, web-first resource library to meet the needs of Lamons’ customer base.

Design was informed by stakeholder interviews, competitor analysis, out-of-category analysis, and the technical constraints of the CMS.


User Flows

Engineers and Operations professionals were identified as the two main user groups. Together, these were some of the pieces of content they were seeking from a gasket and fastener supplier online.

Initial Miro board brain storm.

57% | Specs for specific products

46% | Digital product catalogs or brochures

33% | Training and education

Four flows were identified during the research phase. This flow represents the longest path to the new resources.


Early stage wireframes exploring filter styles, content cards, and on-page brochure content. The termination point of the user journey is the the email capture form above the fold on the detail content pages.

Final Screens

After a few iterations, meetings with developers, and presentations to the client, these screens were the final result.


NGP Energy